Disaster prevention / location information sharing app. In the event of an earthquake or disaster, it will be linked to emergency breaking news and warnings to confirm safety and contact evacuation shelters! You can be assured that you will be notified of your current location by GPS, and you will be able to watch over your family and children and prevent crime!
ココダヨは、家族の安心・安全をささえる、絆アプリです。●ココダヨで何ができるの?・災害時に、家族の「現在地」と「安否」を確認できます。・気象庁の緊急地震速報と連動しています。 → 家族メンバーの現在地で地震が発生したら、瞬時に居場所を家族で共有します。・平常時でも、お子様や高齢のご両親の「見まもり」として、ご利用いただけます。・現在地の公開レベルは自由に選べます(あんしんプライバシー機能)。・家族以外(お友達や仕事仲間など)でもご利用いただけます。●利用イメージは?【災害時の利用イメージ】!!地震発生!! ↓↓↓1.気象庁の緊急地震速報をいちはやく受信します。 ※画面全体が緑→赤に変わります。2.各メンバーは、ご自身の安否をボタンで知らせます。 ※ボタンを押すだけで、全メンバーへ安否が共有されます。3.各メンバーの現在地が、地図上で共有されます。 ※各メンバーの端末のバッテリー残量も確認できます。4.現在地から一番近い避難所へ、地図でナビします。5.メンバー同士で、チャットのやりとりができます。 ※家族専用の災害伝言板として利用できます。【平常時の利用イメージ】・家族メンバーの現在地を、常に地図上に表示可能です。 ※お子様や高齢のご両親の「見まもり」として利用できます。・月1回、災害想定の訓練があります。・登録した地域で発令された地震速報、気象警報を受信できます。 (気象庁が発令する緊急地震速報、大雨危険度など)●あんしんプライバシー機能とは?・現在地の公開レベルは、本人のみが設定できます。・公開レベルは以下の5種類: - 街、番地 - 市区町村 - 都道府県 - 災害時のみ公開 - 非公開・設定はいつでも変更できます。●意外と好評!その他の機能は?・以下の警報・注意報を、指定した都道府県ごとに受信できます。 - 大雨:特別警報、警報、注意報 - 大雪:特別警報、警報、注意報 - 暴風雪:特別警報、警報 - 暴風:特別警報、警報 - 波浪:特別警報、警報、注意報 - 高潮:特別警報、警報、注意報 - 洪水:警報、注意報 - 風雪:注意報 - 強風:注意報 - 融雪:注意報 - 雷:注意報 - なだれ:注意報 - 濃霧:注意報 - 着雪:注意報 - 乾燥:注意報 - 着氷:注意報 - 低温:注意報 - 霜:注意報・天気予報は、1時間ごとの予報を表示。地域指定もできます。●ココダヨは、こんな方におすすめ・防災対策をしないと!と常に思っているが、なかなか出来ていない人・防災グッズは揃えたはず…でも、まだ不安を感じている人・子どもの帰りがちょっと遅いと、どうしても気になってしまう人・ファミリーファースト!家族と常につながっていると心地よい人・GPS機能で位置情報/現在地を家族と共有できる防災アプリを利用したい人・地震や災害に備えてこれから準備を始めたい人・緊急速報や警報が瞬時に通知されて、大切な人の安否確認ができるような手段を探している人・災害時に居場所と避難所が連絡できるように備えておきたい人・子供の見守りや防犯ができて、家族が安心できる環境を整えたい人●今なら、30日間、全機能が無料!・【はじめての方、限定】無料!お試し期間: インストールしてから30日間、全機能が無料で利用できます。・お試し期間が終わっても、自動で課金されません。 解約を忘れても大丈夫です。(安心してお試しください)・お試し期間が終わっても、定期購入(以下)すると、引き続き全機能を利用できます: ー 2人家族:¥180/月 ー 4人家族:¥360/月 ー 6人家族:¥500/月 ー 8人家族:¥580/月 ※どのプランも、1人あたりにすると、月額¥90以下となります。まずは、無料で30日。この機会に、ぜひお試しください! Kokodayo is a bond app that supports the safety and security of your family. ● What can you do with Kokodayo? ・ In the event of a disaster , you can check the familys "current location" and "safety" . -It is linked with the Earthquake Early Warning of the Japan Meteorological Agency. → If an earthquake occurs at the current location of a family member, the whereabouts will be shared with the family instantly. ・ Even in normal times , it can be used as a "watch" for children and elderly parents. -You can freely choose the public level of your current location (safety privacy function). ・ It can be used by non-family members (friends, business associates, etc.) . ● What is your image of use? [Image of using disaster ] ! !! An earthquake has occurred! !! ↓↓↓ 1. You will receive the Earthquake Early Warning of the Japan Meteorological Agency as soon as possible. * The entire screen changes from green to red. 2. Each member will be notified of their safety with a button. * The safety is shared with all members just by pressing the button. 3. The current location of each member is shared on the map . * You can also check the battery level of each members terminal. 4. Use the map to navigate to the shelter closest to your current location. 5. Members can exchange chat with each other. * Can be used as a family-only disaster message board. [Image of using normal times ] -The current location of family members can be always displayed on the map . * Children and Elderly parents It can be used as "watching". -Once a month, there is a training for disaster assumptions. -You can receive earthquake early warnings and weather warnings issued in registered areas . (Earthquake early warning issued by the Japan Meteorological Agency, heavy rain risk, etc.) ● What is the secure privacy function? -The public level of your current location can be set to only for yourself . -Public level is the following 5 types: -City, street address -City, ward, town, village -Prefecture -Public only in the event of a disaster -Private - You can change the settings at any time. ● Surprisingly popular! What about other features? -The following warnings / warnings can be received for each specified prefecture. -Heavy rain: special warning, warning, warning -Heavy snow: special warning, warning, warning -Snowstorm: special warning, warning -storm: special warning, warning - Waves: Special warnings, warnings, warnings -High tide: Special warnings, warnings, warnings -Flood: Warnings, warnings -Wind and snow: Warnings-Strong winds: Warnings -Snow melting : Warning-Thunder: Warning -Avalanche: Warning-Dense fog: Warning-Snowfall: Warning-Drying: Warning -Ice landing: Warning-Low temperature: Warning < br> -Frost: Warning -The weather forecast displays an hourly forecast. You can also specify the area. ● Kokodayo is recommended for people like this ・ You have to take disaster prevention measures! People who arent quite able to do it ・ People who should have prepared disaster prevention goods ... But people who are still uneasy ・ If the childs return is a little late, Im really worried. People ・ Family First! People who are comfortable when they are always connected to their families ・ People who want to use a disaster prevention app that can share location information / current location with their families with GPS function ・ People who want to start preparing for earthquakes and disasters ・ People who are looking for a way to confirm the safety of their loved ones by being notified of emergency bulletins and warnings instantly ・ People who want to be prepared to contact their whereabouts and shelters in the event of a disaster > ・ People who want to create an environment where their families can feel at ease by watching over their children and preventing crimes ● Now, all functions are free for 30 days! ・ [First-time users, limited] Free! Trial period: All functions can be used free of charge for 30 days after installation. -Even after the trial period is over, you will not be charged automatically . It is okay to forget to cancel. (Please try with confidence) -Even after the trial period is over, you can continue to use all the functions by subscribing (below): -Family of 2: ¥ 180 / month - Family of 4: ¥ 360 / month -Family of 6: ¥ 500 / month -Family of 8: ¥ 580 / month It will be. First, 30 days for free. Please take this opportunity to try it!